What Is The Best Way To Keep My Assets During Bankruptcy?
Filing for bankruptcy can help you get rid of debts you cannot afford to pay. However, you may be concerned about losing assets if you file a bankruptcy case. While some people may have to surrender an asset or give up an asset to obtain a bankruptcy discharge, most people can keep...

Financial Management Tips for Immigrants in Massachusetts
Arriving in a new country can be an overwhelming experience–with new rules, customs, money, and sometimes even a new language. It’s understandable that an immigrant may need some assistance in getting their financial house in order. Whether you are just starting out, or have found yourself in some financial trouble, our

Comparing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
It’s never fun to have to contemplate bankruptcy. But if you are getting stressed out by debt and getting tired of creditors calling you day and night, bankruptcy might represent a light at the end of the tunnel. It helps to understand your options, so in this post, our Massachusetts bankruptcy...

Your Rights and Responsibilities In a Credit Card Debt Lawsuit
It is easy to fall behind on credit card payments. A financial crisis can cause you to miss one or two payments. Then, it snowballs as the credit card company increases your interest rate, adds late payments, and takes other actions. The balance keeps increasing even though you try to make...

How Bankruptcy Can Affect Your Spouse
Spouses can file joint bankruptcy petitions. However, they are not required to file together. Both spouses must understand how bankruptcy may affect a non-filing spouse if they are not filing a joint bankruptcy. In this blog, our Massachusetts bankruptcy attorney helps you understand the impact bankruptcy has on a non-filing spouse.

How Can I Keep My Car When Filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a restructuring of your debts. Your debts are organized into a bankruptcy plan to help you regain a solid financial foundation. When you complete your plan payments, most, if not all, of your unsecured debts are discharged.
You can keep your property in a...

How Can I Modify My Bankruptcy Payments?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to reorganize your debts into an affordable monthly plan. The typical Chapter 13 plan is 60 months, but some debtors qualify for a 36-month plan. During the Chapter 13 case, you may need to modify your bankruptcy payments. Learn how to modify bankruptcy...

Understanding Credit Card Debt Lawsuits
Catching up on credit card payments can be impossible once you are behind. The past-due payments seem to snowball. The credit card company will send notices, call repeatedly, and threaten legal action. They may sell or transfer the debt to a debt collector. Eventually, the company may file...

Understanding Homeownership Costs for First-Timers: Avoiding Bankruptcy
Many first-time home buyers do not consider all the costs of homeownership. They focus on the mortgage payments they will make each month. Unexpected costs and expenses could cause a first-time buyer financial hardship. Our Massachusetts bankruptcy lawyer discusses homeownership costs and tips for managing money to avoid financial problems.

Can I Purchase a New Car During Bankruptcy?
During your bankruptcy case, your finances and assets are carefully reviewed by the trustee appointed to administer your case. Incurring new debt to purchase or buy a car with cash could raise several issues.
Before you purchase a new car during bankruptcy, talk with your Massachusetts bankruptcy attorney....