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By Logan Weinkauf
Founding Attorney

Are you being harassed by debt collectors and don’t know what to do? You are not alone. Many people find themselves overwhelmed with debt and unable to cope with the pressure from creditors. Fortunately, bankruptcy attorney Logan A. Weinkauf is here to help. He is an experienced bankruptcy lawyer based in New Bedford who can provide you with guidance on your options and how you can use bankruptcy law to protect yourself from unfair collection practices. In this article, we will discuss the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) as well as steps that you can take if you are being harassed by a debt collector. So if you have questions about bankruptcy or need help dealing with creditor harassment, contact Attorney Weinkauf today for a free consultation! Table of contents

Ask New Bedford Bankruptcy Attorney – What Are Fair Debt Collection Practices I Should Know About

Are you being harassed by debt collectors and don’t know what to do You are not alone. Many people find themselves overwhelmed with debt and unable to cope with the pressure from creditors. Fortunately, bankruptcy attorney Logan A. Weinkauf is here to help. He is an experienced bankruptcy lawyer based in New Bedford who can provide you with guidance on your options and how you can use bankruptcy law to protect yourself from unfair collection practices.

Explain the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that was enacted to protect consumers from unfair and abusive practices by debt collectors. The FDCPA, which is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies, prohibits debt collectors from using threats, harassment, and other forms of abuse when collecting debts. It also prohibits false statements made by collectors in an attempt to collect a debt. Furthermore, the FDCPA requires that any information provided about the debt must be accurate and complete.

Under the FDCPA, debt collectors are prohibited from making repeated phone calls or sending multiple letters in an effort to collect a debt. Additionally, they are not allowed to discuss the debt with anyone other than the debtor or a designated representative. They also cannot use vulgar language or threaten to take legal action if they are not allowed to do so. Finally, they must provide written notice of the amount owed before attempting collection and provide information about how to dispute the debt if necessary.

Discuss What Constitutes a Violation of the FDCPA

A violation of the FDCPA typically occurs when a debt collector engages in unfair, deceptive, harassing, or abusive conduct while attempting to collect a debt from someone. This can include threats of violence, false representation of facts related to the debt, misrepresenting one’s affiliation with any government agency, and disclosing information about an individual’s debt to third parties.

What Can I Do if I Believe a Debt Collector Has Violated the FDCPA?

If you believe that a debt collector has violated the FDCPA, you should contact an experienced bankruptcy lawyer like Logan A. Weinkauf for assistance. He can review your case and provide you with guidance on how to proceed. Additionally, he may be able to represent you in court if necessary.

How to Handle an Unfair Debt Collection Practices Complaint

If you have experienced any of the violations listed above, it is important to document everything that has occurred and contact a bankruptcy attorney. When filing a complaint against a debt collector, you should include all relevant details such as the name of the collection agency, the date of contact, and copies of all written or electronic communication. Additionally, keep detailed records of any phone conversations or in-person interactions with a collection agency.

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, your bankruptcy lawyer can review them and advise you on how best to proceed. Depending on the severity of actions taken by the debt collector, you may be able to recover damages in court. In some cases, this could include money for emotional distress or mental anguish caused by harassment from collectors.

It is also important to remember that bankruptcy attorneys are not only there for legal advice but also provide support during difficult times. Attorney Weinkauf is an empathetic bankruptcy attorney who goes out of his way to inform people about their options and helps them make decisions that are best for their situation. He understands how stressful bankruptcy proceedings can be and provides personalized service to meet each client’s unique needs.

If you need help dealing with unfair debt collection practices in New Bedford, Fall River, or Wareham areas of Massachusetts then don’t hesitate to contact Logan A. Weinkauf today for a free consultation! With his extensive knowledge and experience in bankruptcy law he will be able to help you navigate this difficult process so that you can get back on track financially.

why it is important to contact an experienced New Bedford bankruptcy lawyer

It is important to contact an experienced bankruptcy lawyer like Logan A. Weinkauf for assistance with debt collection issues in order to protect your rights and ensure that you are treated fairly. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was created to protect consumers from unfair or deceptive debt collection practices. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors are prohibited from making repeated phone calls, sending multiple letters, discussing the debt with anyone other than the debtor, using vulgar language or threatening legal action, and must provide written notice of the amount owed before attempting collection. Violations of this act can include threats of violence, false representation of facts related to the debt, misrepresenting one’s affiliation with any government agency, and disclosing information about an individual’s debt to third parties.

If you believe a debt collector has violated the FDCPA it is important to document everything that has occurred and contact bankruptcy attorney like Logan A. Weinkauf for assistance. He can review your case and provide guidance on how best to proceed as well as represent you in court if necessary. It is also important to note that bankruptcy attorneys are not only there for legal help but also provide emotional support during difficult times. Attorney Weinkauf is an understanding bankruptcy attorney who goes out of his way to inform people about their options and helps them make decisions best for them – providing personalized service tailored specifically around each client’s unique needs.

If you need help dealing with unfair debt collection practices in New Bedford, Fall River, or Wareham areas of Massachusetts then don’t hesitate to contact Logan A. Weinkauf today for a free consultation! With his extensive knowledge and experience in bankruptcy law he will be able to answer all questions regarding bankruptcy proceedings so that you can make informed decisions about your financial future!


The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was enacted to protect consumers from unfair and abusive practices by debt collectors. If you are being harassed by a debt collector or need help with bankruptcy proceedings it is important to contact an experienced bankruptcy attorney like Logan A. Weinkauf for assistance. He is a very empathetic bankruptcy lawyer who will go out of his way to inform you about your options and help you come to the best decision for your situation – providing personalized service tailored specifically around each client’s unique needs.

Don’t hesitate to contact Attorney Weinkauf today for a free consultation if you need help dealing with unfair debt collection practices in New Bedford, Fall River, or Wareham areas of Massachusetts! With his extensive knowledge and understanding of bankruptcy law he will be able to answer all questions regarding bankruptcy proceedings so that you can make informed decisions about your financial future.

Attorney Logan A. Weinkauf is ready to help you. Call 508-375-3878 or use our no obligation case evaluation form on our website’s home page.

About the Author
Logan represents individuals and small businesses in the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts in Boston, Worcester, Springfield, and nearly every county court in Massachusetts. He approaches each case with empathy for the people behind the case. He works efficiently to deliver cost-effective solutions. He has advised people and businesses on creditor and debtor matters across diverse areas of law, including corporate law, real estate, and family law issues. This puts Logan at the leading edge of debtor’s rights, asset protection, and litigation. Logan is a trusted advisor to individuals, families, entrepreneurs, and business owners.